Friday, February 25, 2011


I am already slacking at keeping up on this blog. We still are covered in slobber, giggles, and screams. Addy loves to roll onto her belly but then gets stuck and screams. We try to encourage her to learn how to roll back on her back, but what do you do with such a persistant cry and a child who has endurance. That's right, I'm already letting her win in order to save my ears. I keep telling myself that she will not win once she is old enough to understand, but I might be eating my words.
This cute pic was taken for Valentine's day.
Todd is more smitten with each day. She has starting saying 'da da da da'. Of course. It is the cutest thing to see how excited she gets when she sees her dad. Addy will be six months old tomorrow (the 26th) and it is crazy how fast time really does fly. We love our baby girl.

1 comment:

  1. She is just such a cutie! I love when they start jabbering, right now Ashton is on a phone kick so he just jabbers forever into that thing! Ah they are too cute to grow up so fast:)
